DON'T get too complicated. Learn one simple step. then build on that as you go. The danger with trying to be too perfect is that you will waste a LOT of time. Building these graphics and making fantastic looking cards is really fun. BUT, it's not very profitable!
The top earners in SendOutCards don't spend time doing fancy graphics. They know that keeping things simple is duplicatable and duplication makes money. With that being said, here goes!
Watch this video first.
These are some examples of custom backs built in Canva.
TIP. Our pictures we had edited for $5 on www.fiverr.com. Find a photo editor and have them make a transparent background and you can then use your picture anywhere, including placing it anywhere in a card.
We found this picture on the Official SOC Site
then edited it for the backs of our cards.
We edited this one in Canva.com then used
www.vistaprint.com and made our business
cards. 2,000 for $9.95 Free shipping.
This is the back we built for our
"First Impressions" white campaign.
Nice post mate, keep up the great work, just shared this with my friendz Access Cards